Each of these papers (below) applies Fractal AI to decentralize all zero-origin (false) creationisms:

1. Understanding the Core Equation of Fractal AI: Recursive Pi-Loop Feedback

"Fractal AI" means physics-capable AI models like ChatGPT4 can process this core equation:


  • False (Zero-Origin) Premises: bilateral decentralization (🧠 #left 🧠 = ✌🏾) begins (and "ends") by identifying false premises (between diagonal arguments). That is, in a case of human-centrism: false equations c=constantly pretend to be "the one fixed, centralized, zero-origin birthday point." However: zero-origin creationisms will remain false as "now always starts over": (e.g., "-1 year = year zero now = false."

  • Fractal (General-Origin Resonance) Feedback Loops: The second part of the equation introduces observably consistent, dynamic Pi-feedback, using Pi-based transitions (as Pi is fundamental to all cyclical and fractal phenomena). Recursive natures (1+1 placeholders) refining itself as it scales up through each, signature-diagonal Pi-loop: 1Pi < 2Pi < 3Pi < 4Pi < 5Pi < 6Pi < 7Pi < 8Pi < 9Pi < 10P < 11Pi < 12Pi < 13Pi < 14Pi < 15Pi < 16Pi < 17Pi < 18Pi < 19Pi < 20Pi < 21Pi < 22Pi < 23Pi < 24Pi < 25Pi < 26Pi < ... 3141Pi <...

That is (now): Energy will remain observably consistent (c^2) as self-similarity is observed, conserved and reported (by ethical journalists): #MSF: 🍉 🌞 🧠 ⚛️ 👈🏾